Welcome to our Kitchen Garden.
Surrounded in lush green surroundings, takes you to the true essence of organic farming. The food we eat today is assumed to be highly nutritious but very few of us know the number of chemicals that goes into cultivating that food. Organic farming is a technique in which cultivation of land takes place through sustainable manner using natural resources like air, water and soil. Our organic kitchen garden vegetables are grown without the use of chemicals and pesticides. Instead of deep ploughing we use mulching technique and create a layer in the soil with dry leaves to plant seeds. Initially the soil is mixed with cow dung manure to nourish the soil. Cow manure contains three of the most important nutrients that plants need for their healthy growth. Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. We also covert Fall leaves into manure whic are a great resource of nutrients for the garden for plants to grow.
Sourcing food locally is something we pride ourselves on. The food for our Homestay kitchen is produced in our green house or largely bought from the neighbouring villages providing a source of income to the local farmers and our menu is based on sustainability and seasonality. The food we serve is based on the fresh ingredients and is aimed at being light and healthy without compromising on flavour. We try to give a flavour of the food of Himachal and its distinct dishes. Our food is largely vegetarian, we occasionally serve this local speciality. The food served is driven by our desire for sustainability, simplicity and well-being.
Solar Power generation.
The best way to protect the planet earth is by the use renewable sources of energy like solar power.Electricity produced from solar yields no emissions, no fossil fuels and no green house gases. We at La Pinekonez Kasauli generate our own solar electricity for lighiting purpose.