+91 94180-12202 pinekonez@gmail.com



  • la Pinekonez being a home stay,  your cooperation will beassuring a peaceful stay for all.
  •  Litter should be disposed off in the bins provided .Do not dispose off into the fields as the villagers are offended by guests throwing waste into their fields.
  • Plucking of flowers is strictly prohibited. Fine will be imposed.
  • Kitchen timings are as follows :
  • BREAKFAST –  8:00 AM – 10:00 AM, LUNCH  1:00 PM – 2:00 PM,  DINNER  – 7:30 – 9:30 PM
  • Electricity and water are precious resources.  Lights are to be turned off and all taps/faucets shut upon leaving the premises.
  • Guests are to follow  silence time from 10.00 P.M. to 8.00 A.M., i.e. they are not to disturb other guests accommodated on the premises.
  • Guests are expected to maintain decorum at all times whilst on the premises.
  •  It is implied that you are familiar and agree with the House Rules and that you will fully adhere to them. In the event that a guest is in breach of these rules, the management reserves the right to cance a booking before the time period has elapsed and charge full amount of the price regardless of the shorter stay.